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Cartier Tank Solo XL Steel Strap to Alligator Strap with D Buckle 까르띠에 탱크 솔로 엑스라지 스틸 스트랩 디버클 악어가죽줄로 바꾸기 가격 후기 Cartier Tank Solo XL Steel Strap to Alligator Strap with D Buckle 까르띠에 탱크 솔로 엑스라지 스틸 스트랩 디버클 악어가죽줄로 바꾸기 가격 후기 I had my Cartier Tank Solo XL for a few years now. I bought mine with the Steel strap, as I've always liked the signature look. Lately I have been liking the leather strap look. It looks clean when worn casually and when dressed formally both alike. Also as you can see from the picture a..
Rock N Grill Los Angeles 락앤그릴 엘에이 고기맛집 후기 Rock N Grill - Los Angeles 락앤그릴 엘에이 고기맛집 후기 Rock N' Grill - 2201 W Pico Blvd #A, Los Angeles, CA 90006 - (323) 219-5294 As someone who has been blogging for years under various websites and languages, you will notice that since I was a small business owner for years, I love supporting small businesses. With that being said, as someone who knows a lot of small business owners, one thing that I do..
BMW Rear Differential Bushing Beware Not to be taken lightly BMW 535i 5시리즈 디퍼런셜 부싱 교체 BMW Rear Differential Bushing – Beware – Not to be taken lightly BMW 5시리즈 디퍼런셜 부싱 교체 The last time my car was at BMW for service, my advisor told me that my rear differential bushing is starting to crack. I didn’t think it was that serious. It’s a rubber bushing. I even had one of my guys put my car on a lift to see how bad the crack was, it was barely enough to even call it a crack. A few techs..
Starting a T-Shirt Business Review 티셔츠 프린트하기 Starting a T-Shirt Business Review 티셔츠 프린트하기 T-shirt printing has always been an interest of mine. I always had people who around me who were in the clothing industry. Up to recently, I had a buddy of mine make my custom shirts for me, but he stopped doing it. I did look in to some of the online websites, where you design your shirt on their site, and then order, however I wasn't too fond of the..
Pandora Arcade Treasure 3d box 11s and 12 아케이드 게임 리뷰 Pandora Arcade Treasure 3d box 11s and 12 아케이드 게임 리뷰 Ok, this review took a while for me to put up....naturally because I wanted to fully experience these machines before posting about them. To start off, if you do not know what a Pandora is, it is a arcade console that comes in the form of a 2 player joystick, box, chip etc. Most of these pandora boxes and pandora copies claim to have thousands..
Juste Un Clou Cartier Nail Ring 까르띠에 저스트앵끌루 못반지 리뷰 Juste Un Clou - Cartier - Nail Ring 까르띠에 저스트앵끌루 못반지 리뷰 Ok, why do I like my Juste Un Clou ring so much? Aside from the obvious reasons like the design or the story behind the ring, I actually have my own story about this ring. When I first saw someone wearing a nail ring, it was on a Korea Drama "My Love From the Star" (별에서 온 그대). Shin Sung Rok (신성록) plays the role of a psychopath? who killed hi..
Best Las Vegas Hotel Restaurants 라스베가스 베스트 호텔 레스토랑 추천 라이베이거스 노부 마이클미나 잔조지 고든램지헬스키친 식당 추천 Best Las Vegas Hotel Restaurants 라스베가스 베스트 호텔 레스토랑 추천 라이베이거스 노부 마이클미나 잔조지 고든램지헬스키친 식당 추천 As a previous long time business owner, and as someone who used to run a restaurant, It is really hard for me to say that one restaurant is actually better than another. However I do want to share some restaurants that should be considered some of the best must try restaurants in Las Vegas! I am in no way we..
Sim Racing How I started the Journey 심레이싱 넥스트레벨 포자호라이즌5 Sim Racing - How I started the Journey 심레이싱 넥스트레벨 포자호라이즌5 Not only have I come a long way with car games, Sim Racing itself has come a really long way. Aside from the awesome arcade classics such as Daytona, Cruisin USA, Offroad, Sega Rally, Outrun, or even the first time driving a stick shift with a clutch with Race Drivin…..I still remember when the first Need for Speed came out for PC. It was..
황광희 순두부치즈그라탱 편스토랑 레시피 이찬원 치즈순대볶음 순두부 치즈 그라탕 만드는법 황광희 순두부치즈그라탱 편스토랑 레시피 이찬원 치즈순대볶음 순두부 치즈 그라탕 만드는법 - 황광희 순두부 치즈 그라탱 레시피 재료 : 순두부 1봉 (약 350g), 다진 마늘 1.5T, 양파 1/2개, 대파 1/4대, 애호박 1/4개, 팽이버섯 1/2봉, 베이컨 4장, 소금 약간, 통후춧가루 약간, 청양고추 1개, 올리브유 약간, 슈레드 모차렐라 & 체다 치즈 150g, 파슬리 가루 약간 고추장 토마토소스 재료 : 시판 토마토소스 400ml, 고추장 1T, 고춧가루 0.5T 1. 베이컨과 팽이버섯은 한입 크기로 썰고, 양파는 작게 깍뚝 썰고, 대파는 어슷 썰고, 애호박은 반달 모양으로 편 썰고 청양고추는 얇게 송송 썰어 준비한다. 2. 팬에 올리브유를 두르고 다진 마늘 1.5T를 넣고 노릇해지도록 볶아준..
마늘껍질차 레시피 고혈압고혈당고지혈3고예방치료비법 마늘효능 마늘차 먹는방법 & 혈액늘리는 비지톳밥 레시피톳의효능 마늘껍질차 레시피(고혈압고혈당고지혈3고예방,치료비법 마늘효능)마늘차 먹는방법 & 혈액늘리는 비지톳밥 레시피, 톳의 효능 엄지의제왕 고혈압 고혈압 고지혈 3고를 탈출한 노하우 특급 비법은? 마늘껍질차 마늘 효능 마늘은 아미노산 중 L-아르기닌 성분이 일산화질소 생성을 활성화 시키는 효능이 가장 큰 채소이다. 마늘껍질 효능 마늘껍질에는 항산화 성분인 폴리페놀이 마늘 알맹이보다 무려 7배나 풍부하고 식이섬유는 4배 더 많다. 마늘차 레시피 재료 : 마늘 600그램, 마늘껍질 10그램, 물 2리터 1. 마늘 600그램을 깨끗하게 까서 씻고 얇게 편 썬다. 2. 썬 마늘을 이틀동안 말린다. 마늘을 편 썰어 말리면 알린이 분해효소에 의해 알리신으로 바뀐다. 알리신은 살균, 항균 작용 효능이 있다. 다지거나 썬 후 ..